Limited edition with Unlimited thoughts

Jokes, Funny Scribblings, and some useful information

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


What will you do if you got stuck up in an airport? What you do if you cannot understand the language they speak? You cant niether go back to your place nor come out of the airport. Dont think that I've got stucked in Delhi airport and I was not able to speak hindi. Though it happened a year back, I have managed it. Last week I got a chance to watch the movie The Terminal which is directed by Steven Spielberg. Tom Hanks is the hero in the movie. Hope you might have seen this movie. I was impressed so much about the movie. Few scenes are awesome and stay in my memories. Here are those moments to chew

When he was not able to understand the news which is running on the television, he decides to learn english by an ultimate technique.
The idea of earning money to get his burger.
How he makes new friends in the airport?
The way he selects his Hugo Boss suit in the showroom.
The candle light dinner with Catherine Zeta Jones
The art of helping a unknown person to carry the medicines without license.

Thought of writing this long time before, recently rented the DVD and recollected some scenes... Hope you will also like this.



  • At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes da...That is really a very nice movie....whether you did everything which Tom hanks did in airport? ;)

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Ungal Nanban said…

    Somehow I managed with my araikurai hindi with domestic airport officers...


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